Our research projects
Through past and ongoing collaborations, we have experience in several European Research Projects. This involvement allows us to explore innovative solutions addressing modern challenges which relate to buildings and the environment.
ON-going projects
(June 2024 - November 20207)
Mitigating environmental disruptive events using people-centric predictive digital technologies to improve disaster and climate resilience
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(September 2021 - February 2026)
Activation of NATURE-based solutions for a JUST transition to low-carbon cities, based on the principle of the right to ecological space
Website | Linkedin | X (former Twitter) | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube
(March 2021 - February 2025)
Functional and advanced insulating and energy harvesting/storage materials across climate adaptive building envelopes
Website | Linkedin | X (former Twitter) | Facebook | YouTube
​​(September 2020 - February 2025)
Visionary Nature-based Solutions for Health, Wellbeing and Resilience in Cities
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as Experts/ Advisory board members
Plug-and-use renovation with adaptable lightweight systems
EU Study VIGIE 2020/654 - Study on 3D Documentation in Cultural Heritage
A peer- learning programme for local and regional policy makers to exchange knowledge on cultural heritage, with a focus on participatory governance, adaptive reuse and quality of intervention
Developing guidelines on how to install internal thermal insulation in historic buildings while maintaining their architectural and cultural heritage.
A sustainable urban regeneration model leveraging the convergence of energy, mobility and ICT to transform European cities into Smart Cities
Innovation in 3D modelling of cultural heritage through an inclusive approach for time-dynamic 3D reconstruction of artefacts, built and social environments.
Confronting Wicked Problems: Adapting Architectural Education to the New Situation in Europe “how curriculum and teaching should be adapted to the new societal and professional situation.”
Investigating the energy efficiency of European historic urban districts and developing technologies and systems for its improvement.
Bridging the gap between conservation of historic buildings and climate protection, Demonstrating the feasibility of reduction in energy demand, depending on the case and the heritage value.
NEST InGrained ecosystem foR zEro EmissioN buildings